
Τότε ὁ ἀρχιερεὺς διέρρηξεν τὰ ἱμάτια αὐτοῦ λέγων Ἐβλασφήμησεν τί ἔτι χρείαν ἔχομεν μαρτύρων; ἴδε νῦν ἠκούσατε τὴν βλασφημίαν


Tote ho archiereus dierrēxen ta himatia autou legōn Eblasphēmēsen ti eti chreian echomen martyrōn ide nyn ēkousate tēn blasphēmian

Literal English

Then - high priest tears the garments of Him’” saying He has blasphemed Which still need have we of witnesses? look now You heard the blasphemy
Bible Hub
